Only super-humans can claim they don’t experience any stress at work. All the rest of us are surely familiar with the adrenaline rush triggered by the fear of missing a deadline or achieving your business objectives. This is a positive type of stress, as it helps us stay on the right track and focus on the task at hand.
Nevertheless, there’s also another type of stress, namely the one generated by workplace pressure. If you have to deal with dread or anxiety on a regular basis, it’s time for you to address this issue and find a fix. Some recent surveys have found that one third of the subjects felt that their job had a negative influence on their mental health. According to the same research, 41% of employees have suffered from anxiety, 24% of depression, and 12% of physical illness as a result of their work. The good news is that there are effective stress management methods you can use to keep tabs on your health and well-being.
According to leadership and change management experts, there are three levels you need to address your work-related stress: the causes, your own ability to cope with it, and the treatment of the harm that has already been done. Here are a few tips to help you overcome stress at work, as stated by experts.
Stay Organized
Even though you may feel like you’re perfectly capable of doing your job in organized chaos, you should know that staying organized can help you alleviate work stress quite a great deal.
According to Sally Holbrook, workspace architect in Melbourne, humans do have problems with the feeling of walking into a mess. This is why he recommends that we take time to put our workplace in order by the end of the day. By cleaning your space in the evening, you’ll have the pleasure to start your next day with a clean slate. Straightening up the workplace by the end of the day shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
Also, early in the morning, just as you show up at your desk, take a few moments to make a plan for the day and prioritize your tasks by importance. This will make it very easy for you to tackle all these things you have to do for the day without having to think twice about which ones to deal with first.
Figure Out What’s Stressing You
Identifying your stressors will allow you to take steps towards addressing them, whether we talk about tight deadlines, huge workload, etc. The sooner you find out what’s actually stressing you, the better you’ll be able to cope with this stress.
Once you know what’s stressing you, pay close attention to your reaction to these triggers. How do you respond, for instance, to a request to add items on your already huge to-do list? By acknowledging your response to stress triggers you can focus on finding effective ways of dealing with them.
Watch Your Diet Carefully
What you eat has a direct influence on your mood. Many expert dietitians, nutritionists and natural health practitioners state this. Problems appear when you skip your lunch but then satisfy your cravings for sweets later on, during the afternoon. Since your body won’t receive its necessary dose of protein and fat, it will surely trigger a crash, making you inefficient at work.
According to Sally Austin, a registered Chinese Medicine practitioner, you should limit your intake of caffeine, sodas and alcohol. “Even though fast-food can be such an appealing option for a quick lunch, it can actually enhance the negative effects of stress on your body. In addition, hangovers have a negative impact on your ability to focus.”
Take Frequent Breaks
Pool formwork business owner Bill Pantazis reminds us, “You should always ensure you take short breaks during your work day.” Staring at your screen for hours in a row won’t do you any good. Take short walks, do some stretching at your desk or simply stand up and look through the window for a couple of minutes. These are simple yet effective methods to help you clear your mind.
Austin also suggests meditation as an excellent way to lower the work stress. Even a five-minute guided meditation or deep-breathing routine can help.
Talk About Your Feelings
Isolating yourself from others is one of the most common effects of stress. You shouldn’t refrain from sharing your feelings with others. This is the best way to realize that you’re not the only one who has to face such issues. Sharing helps people find some relief and feel better about their jobs.
Relax And Recharge
Don’t give up your leisure time. Always take your vacations, as they can do wonders for your mental health.
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